Mississippi Morning Poem by Jim Yerman

Mississippi Morning

We stayed high atop a bluff overlooking the Mississippi river and before our next day's drive we were blessed to sit atop that bluff and watch the day arrive.

In the quiet calm of the morning our eyes shifting from the sky above to the river below…we saw the Mississippi ambling by…at her own pace…leisurely and slow.

The sun, as she does every morning…with her desire to tantalize…
released a vibrancy of colors announcing she's about to rise

Reds and oranges and yellows in the sky combined
telling us to be patient for the sun's not far behind

And while we waited for the sun to rise and the darkness of the night to fade…
on the railing right in front of us…a songbird serenade.

I asked the bird this question…as this new day had begun
Is it the sun's rising that makes you sing…or does your singing raise the sun?

I think she might have replied…that somewhere in her song the answer hid
but I do not speak songbird…although I wish I did.

We watched boats along the river making their early morning runs
We watched the leaves in all the trees wave good morning to the sun

And as if on cue…when the songbirds melody was done
we saw the clouds begin to shine absorbing the colors of the sun

And we saw the sun gradually make her appearance…she is anything but shy
dressed in all her finest colors she rose like an angel in the sky.

And with such a beautiful performance that morning
off on our next adventure we set…
with the Mississippi morning now a memory…but one we're not likely to forget

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