Mistakes Poem by Crazy Vampire


Why is it so easy for people to be mislead
How can we just throw out trust, I can’t comprehend
Most are naïve to think that love happens at first sight
I used to believe that my prince would come, he would be my knight
But those childish thoughts have been long gone
From my mind they have been withdrawn
I now see the reality that was behind the wall I had built
I am now facing all my fears, and my unbearable guilt
It was beginning to consume all that I was
This is what one mistake does
It kills you slowly on the inside
And I did it to myself, because I had lied
I can’t describe all that I felt and thought
It wasn’t the same as doing something bad and getting caught
But more as if I had let everyone down
I was now a slave, and I no longer wore the crown
I hated myself because I was foolish and didn’t think clear
My problems continued to resurface and they would not disappear
What is the solution to when you’re about to drown in your lies?
And when the person you once where has died.

David Beckham 14 July 2010

Not a good spot to be in. I take it you intentionally left any advise of yours because you wanted us the readers, to CHIP in! Well mistakes are part of life! One thing I always remind myself is that no matter how bad my past is, today is a new day. If I can change my ways today going forward, then I have done myself a huge favor. I believe that it's not always about how people see you yesterday, but about how they see you today! Keep writing I love reading your poems. cheers

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Crazy Vampire

Crazy Vampire

Hemet, California
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