Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - The Grand Or Great Soul Or Mahatma Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - The Grand Or Great Soul Or Mahatma

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - the Grand Soul or Mahatma
-Gayathri B. Seetharam
Gandhi is a ‘sandhi', a combination of sounds in Sanskrit
And he literally combines ‘o' and ‘m', OM which symbolically represents
O Mother and speaks of his everlasting love for his country, India
Which moved millions to follow his lead in the struggle for freedom in India;

He preached and practised non-violence
Which, aided by marches and speeches,
Brought freedom from the British to colonial India
And which completed his victory, made India into a democracy;

His struggle for the masses, the lower classes and in other ways,
The ones who had genteel poverty and straitened circumstances
Changed the social way of life in India
And his occasional strange ways were borne beautifully by his devoted wife, Kasturba;

Gandhi has said that God has no religion
But has also said, "I like your Christ but I do not like your Christians
For they are so unlike Christ"
Probably implying that they do not, in certain cases, share the Christian spirit
Of giving and receiving graciously and with an unspoken, good wish for all and sundry;

Elaborating on the same quote, Gandhi has said that
An eye for an eye would make the whole world go blind
And in lieu of the announced missile attacks from Pres. Donald Trump
Against the Syrian nation which bespeaks of Hammurabi's code of conduct
For al-Assad has chemical manufacturing plants and he uses these chemicals on his people,
On the Syrians who are already suffering under the dictatorial regime of Pres. Basheer al-Assad;
Gandhi, with his policy of non-violence, would have chosen to hold talks with the culprit regime;

And I urge PM Justin Trudeau who has welcomed 25,000 Syrian refugees into Canada
To also hold peace talks to end the civil war
For Gandhi has also said: You must not lose faith in humanity.
Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty,
the ocean does not become dirty."
Hence, there must be atleast an iota of good in al-Assad.

1. GoodReads website

Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi - The Grand Or Great Soul Or Mahatma
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