Money Won't Come Sans Use Of Ideas And Talent! Poem by Ramesh T A

Money Won't Come Sans Use Of Ideas And Talent!

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While composing a Poem it will lead to discovery of new ideas;
Exploring such ideas make one create new suggestions for progress;
That is how new and best things are developed and introduced in works;
Writing and publishing were difficult and that is now done fast by the use of Computer!

This is like exploring something one is coming across things entirely new;
That is what we say as serendipity in working life of the people in the world;
By discovery and creativity through Poetry new things are made to ease work loads;
Poetry is indeed a great instrument like magic wand to create new ideas!

For a man of knowledge and thoughts wise, Poetry is best toy to play with words;
By combination of various ideas substantial matter is created to put all in surprise;
Creative works never go waste if one is wise and intelligent using knowledge acquired;
Composing with free thoughts and imagination Poetry is created for all to get ideas!

Discovery and creativity of Poetry in the hands of a talented guy miracle is made;
When this is so, why some believe it is waste of time as Poetry
brings no money!

Money Won't Come Sans Use Of Ideas And Talent!
Creative works never go waste if one is wise and intelligent using knowledge acquired; Composing with free thoughts and imagination Poetry is created for all to get ideas!
Ramesh T A 30 September 2024

Discovery and creativity of Poetry in the hands of a talented guy miracle is made; When this is so, why some believe it is waste of time as Poetry brings no money!

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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