More Than Reduction To Materialism (Rev.) 7.28.2008 Poem by Margaret Alice

More Than Reduction To Materialism (Rev.) 7.28.2008

All senses lost, all desire to look
for a solution; the last of my powers
used for remaining upright behind my
desk; not even diminished intellectual
stimulation reaches my closed-off mind

Goblin Party by Douglas Hill fails to
entice, nothing breaks the ice of an
evil spell stiffening my corpse – but
for eye-witness accounts I might have
thought my mind was caught in my brain

Mr Reductionist Materialism overjoyed
by absence of animating spirit or soul,
rejoices to see a debilitating condition
reducing me to only five faulty senses
and a non-functioning brain

Giving the lie to my claim life is mostly
wonderful – but I am obstinate and though
I have no personal evidence or experience
of it, I cling to a belief that life is more
than empty reduction to materialism

Should it be proven that this was only
illusion - it has brought me untold joy,
made this life bearable and cannot spoil
my everlasting non-existence when I
finally flee this faulty body…

Jurietta Duraan 28 July 2008

Ek sal jou altyd herken deur die titels van jou gedigte - ek is sekerlik nie die enigste een wat jou lees nie? Flippen goed... jou woordspel is altyd vermenigvuldig en in die oortreffende trap.... ek bewonder dit so bietjie baie.... dit spoor mens aan om bietjie jou 'mind' uit te sit en verder te gaan wanneer mens self skryf... nie net 'ek hou van en ek lief dit'.... maar meer mening en eienaarskap van die woorde.... (ek weet nie wat ek nounet geskryf het nie maar ek is die eienaar daarvan! ! ! ! !) **

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Margaret Alice

Margaret Alice

Pretoria - South Africa
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