Most Of Us Poem by Gary James Smith

Most Of Us

Rating: 5.0

Most Of Us

Most of us have been lost in a physical sense
At one time or another
But there's a far deeper lost than that
It's to be spiritually lost my brother
How is it fairing with your soul
Do you know it's destination
Or are you just living day by day
Not really addressing that question

Have you come to know your Maker
In a personal relationship
Or are you thinking like most others
That wouldn't be really hip
Well check out all the gravestones friend
There will be a marker with your name
Here lies so and so and so
The list goes on with names

But guess what friend there's an Overcomer
Who defeated sin and death and Hell
And can give your soul such jubilation
I'd be remiss if I didn't tell
So seek the Lord while He may be found
Call upon that One Who can truly save
Look to the Lamb of God and believe
And be raptured one day from your grave!

Copyright April 6 201810: 03am

Gary James Smith

Rose Marie Juan-austin 06 April 2018

A heartwarming write that encourages one to believe and have faith in the Lord. Well executed piece.

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Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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