Mother's Hysterical Poem by Lorraine Margueritte Gasrel Black

Mother's Hysterical

Rating: 5.0

As their screams reverberate
And the fighting ne'er cease
I long for the golden days
Of quiet and blissful peace.

Did I ask for:
The patter of tiny feet grown loud
And the voices in a whining tune 'Let's go out to eat! ! ! !
There's nothing to eat here.' they clamor

(as I'm holding a three hundred-ninety seven dollar and fifty-three cent grocery reciept and there are bags on the counters and on the floor and some still waiting to be unloaded from the car)

I'm bored they shout
as they stomp to their music's disquieting beat and strange utterances
are my kids from Mars?

'You'll get use to it' I've been told

('With earplugs') I mutter:
Please keep it to a dull roar
As I pull my hair out! ! ! ! ! ! !

I think:
Was I that way before?
I can remember Momma's shout
'Can't you close your door? '

I'm hysterical--can't take anymore! ! ! !
And yet I think of one good thing:
YOUR kids will even the score.
Muhahaha! ! ! ! !

Bri Edwards 25 April 2017

And the fighting ne'er cease.....ceases? grocery receipt......line 9...spelling? Was I that way before? .........i assume you are 'talking to yourself about when YOU were the kid, and then you think of how YOUR mom reacted to you and your siblings. using before was not very clear to me. and, not to 'complain' more, but i might check out some of the punctuation which is present or not present. overall, the story will hit home with many parents, esp. moms, i'm sure. i had 4 siblings; we all went through teenagedom. of course i was Mom's favorite, being the smartest and most well-mannered of the lot. did i mention the sweetest? i do recall a few slaps and spankings, but not many. and i recall one time when my mom stuck her head out the upstairs bathroom window and SCREAMED OUT to the neighbors: It's ALL MY FAULT, meaning hers, Mom's, of course. but she DID survive and so did we five. my father actually did also, but he was at work at least five days a week. bri :) i hope you are finally enjoying golden days. btw, i DO make typos, but, without being too compulsive, i do let some slip by and actually remain in poems i submit to PH, sometimes to be pointed out to me by some kind soul-reader.

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Lorraine, I had to say Mars.Ever read the book Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars? -it explains the battle of the genders.Teenagers are aliens at that age-only parents know for sure.

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Ever raise teenagers.I know this poem is a departure from my usual serious ones but I thought I'd show the humourous side of in raising kids.

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