Mothers Poem by Butterflies In My Belly Forever


What is it about Mothers that are like magic?
The smile on their face..
The sparkle in their eye..
Is it the element of thought and surprise?
Mother's Day is here and my heart is so sad.
I lost mine five months ago and I have no dad.
I am not going to be sad but I may cry,
Feel that burning tear fall from my eye.

What is it about Mothers, they are so strong.
Where does it come from,
How do they know to put it where it belongs?
I know why they cry,
I am a Mother too,
Just in case you never knew.
My heart mourns her and her beautiful smile,
Being happy she is not suffering all the while.

I will go and visit her at the cemetary,
Taking my son with me so the load I can carry.
Looking at the ground where she lies,
I will let the tears flow from my eyes.
Love your Mothers because you never know,
When the good Lord will take them,
I was a good daughter this I know.

Carl Harris 10 May 2009

A beautiful and touching tribute both to mothers in general, and your own mother in particular, BIMBF. Your poem was well expressed and conveyed your deep feeling for you own dear mother very well, my friend. Men may brag of being physically strong and many are, but it is the mother of any family who is mentally strong, and in whose heart love is as bright as the sun. Your own mother would be very proud of this fine poem. Carl.

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