Mowrah And Shea Butter Poem by Cherokee Akan Ewe

Mowrah And Shea Butter

whats creates my Onesness spirituality
be my mindset being better than the last times
academically as the scholar besting his best

two be my wholistical temple body sculpted perfectly as I am the sculptor
plus on the inside my conglomerate
get fed my alchemy drinks
staying in tune with its rulings
expecting the hands of time to turn back unknowingly turn back knowingly when I pay attention paid attention so I tweak the formula
just abit Moor genius
regardless of the herb trade war ongoing
pharmaceutical companies to the mean streets
over tiny plants grown wildly and sometimes for abundance
different countries got different rules and politicians shaking hands on top to the bottom
which ain't none of my business seriously
see no evil hear no evil nonreligious type script
keep the seeds and continue my Akan lineage of wise art spoken and written positive advice traditions
cause growing nuts yields the shells for exfoliating
fruit to be eaten internally and externally
wholistically absolute no waste
better than a Lean Six Sigma results
add the work I be putting nonphysically and physical
equals a focus with a smile uncut raw piercing from within a gemstone's clear multifacet vue (echoing) ...

written for the generations to come
who be indigenously about their communities
respect and peace
live longer than your last Ancestor's human bodies which are deceased
to say the least
though write your books and tomes in volumes
which would be the greatest....

Monday, May 21, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: real life,real success
Just Seeping....
Error Success