My Blue Lord Poem by Govind Ramakrishnan

My Blue Lord

Rating: 3.9

To escape
the snake of death
I look for you
into the farthest depths
of the universe
Oh blue lord of Vrindavan

Only to find you
so close to me

In the inner recesses
of my own heart

Thy lotus like feet
My sole refuge
to end
this tiring cycle
Of birth and death

Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: happiness,spirituality
Gil Highlander 04 March 2016

this poem brought a tear to my eyes. The metaphor snake of death was so apt. The pace of the poem was perfect

20 7 Reply
Gil Highlander 04 March 2016

this is a brilliant poem, that brought tears to my eyes. The snake of death metaphor is out of this world and the pace of the poem simply perfect!

21 7 Reply
Glen Kappy 20 January 2016

govind, on the poem itself, i like the directness and simplicity; you show good craft... but i'm interested in what you actually experience in the inner recesses of your own heart. to explain, i am in the christian tradition but know something of the hindu tradition. i have experienced God/jesus as more or less clear thoughts in my heart, and i have had a significant dream experience where i met jesus, and he assigned me a task. my curiosity comes with the assumption that as fellow human beings we experience similar things but through the lenses of our own learning/traditions. so, if you would, i am interested to hear... you can get a sense of my religious experience in poems i have posted in poemhunter. -glen kappy

14 12 Reply
Guru Kothandaraman 23 December 2015

Beautiful....touches the heart and has soul.

22 11 Reply
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