My Country Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

My Country

My country

My school, as a child
-was nature with its wild
-animals, and bushes and the thorns
-growing within, on, and around the mud walls.

I miss you my school!
My school, my school...

I ran, walked, rode sticks
-with bare-feet, to school…
-loose, my pants, cotton shirt.

I miss you my school!
My school, my school.

As a child, saw many animals
-jackal to chicken, hen, also fox
-saw snakes, spiders; birds flew in sky.

I miss you my school!
My school, my school.

I compared man's movements
-with trees, and wind and wilderness.

Logical and on dot seemed fables.

I miss you my school!
My school, my school.

Now, see foam in his mouth
-when listen to him talk…
-yellowish with bubbles
-are his; like the camels'
-when eating seeds, cotton's.

He repeats what he loves
- "Country, " with "My, my…"

A Pashto from the Kandahar…
"Neutral Zone's Capital…"
He knows not the depth of
-how and why the powers of the time
-Britain and Russia, raised this hell…

I praise lot of things seen in him
-for such things respect him
-but he is disaster like the ‘mines'
-set under the rail-track; ottomans',
-by Lawrence; the bastard criminal…

Did powers deliberate on such named?
Did they know its meaning "Whine, Cry"?
Did they mean to treat this like dogs?
Does young man know about demarking?
Does he know beyond the Kandahar?
Does he know of borders with Iran?
Has he seen Uzbeks' and Tajiks' sides?
Does he know a word called Turkmen?
What he knows of thin pass to China?
Does he care for others with cultures?
Has he made friends with non-Pashto?

He knows not anything but to shout!

He knows not of liver of the cow,
-which reminds closely in-make-up
-as Afghans; plenty-varied-sizes-tribes!

Somebody must tell him:
- "You are fish in your pond,
-as mentioned in the book
- "The Small Black Fish."

Fire comes when closed are the eyes,
So, let us open eyes of the minds,
Enough is being deaf, being dumb,
Let us not be treated like dogs,
Let us not be liver of the cow,
Let's wake up, hug, unite…
Let's swim in the seas and get lost.

Hey friends, let's wake up…
Let's wake up in the seas…

Tuesday, June 19, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: historical
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