My Dog, Several Times Have I Forbidden You To Take Meat Poem by Bijay Kant Dubey

My Dog, Several Times Have I Forbidden You To Take Meat

As know you not that I here lie I a Brahmin,
A master of yours
Who does not take meat,
But you go on
As I have come to know of it.

My dog, you do not know it that her lie I a Brahmin,
I do not take either meat or fish or eggs,
As a vegetarian am I,
Go I worshipping everyday,
Passing my days in being
Devotional and devout

And when a feather of the hen used to fall over
Into the house,
Brought by the kite or the crow
Or carried through the wind,
Father used to arrange for a wash of the verandah.

Even we used to take goat meat once in a month,
The slicer and utensils used to be different,
Cooking at some nook and corner of the house
And the bedding used to be washed the next day
And after going go the barber’s salon for a fresh up,
The family worship used to begin with.

But to my astonishment someone has reported it to me
That take you meat,
Feasting upon the carcass of a dead cattle
Lying into the fields
And you taking to your fill.

Let me check it, your nostril,
Let me, my dog,
Do you keep it not in mind
That your master is a vegetarian,
But you a non-vegetarian,
Taking meat in hotels stealthily.

Just like a fake sadhu, you preach during the day
And take you Ram bird, the hen
And Ram fruit, I mean the eggs
In the evening,
Fallen flat after taking ganja.

My dog, take you meat
As I cannot restrain you from,
But goat meat,
Never, never red meat,
But someone reporting it to me
That it taking dead meat to its fill
Into the fields.

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