My Faith In God Poem by Randy McClave

My Faith In God

You say that the giant that's in front of you standing
Doesn't even have a clue or a true understanding,
Though he is taller and stronger than any oak tree.
You're still not afraid as big and as strong as he might be
You are not afraid or frightened what he might do
Because he's not bigger than the God who's inside of you,
And I know that is the truth as a accurate fact
Because, I know that God also always has my back.
I am not afraid to travel here or abroad or anywhere
Because, I know that God is always there,
My faith and belief is always in him
Because, of God I'm never depressed or scared or grim.
There is no one that I'm ever afraid to meet
There is no one that I'm ever afraid to greet,
And there is no place that I'm ever afraid to go
Because, my God truly loves me so.
My God is also my crutch
And I love and I trust him so very much,
He is also my armor and my shield
My faith and my belief in him will never wither away or yield.
Because of God I know where I am led
And I know of my faith I'm heading to heaven when I am dead,
And I know no matter how tall that giant might be in front
Because, of my God any giant I'm not ever afraid to confront.
You also say that God is stronger than any giant
Which I believe, but I wonder are you just being compliant,
Now, I wonder if your faith is just a lie or even a pun
Because with you, you always carry a gun.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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