My Father Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English Poems

My Father

He protects and shields me from evils,
He keeps me out of dangerous devils;
He is my cause, I am his future,
He is the leitmotiv of the life passage;
He is my meith and he is that path,
He carved for himself, I walk whereon;
He is my past, he is my future,
He is the present that lifts me all times,
He is my father, my divine support.

He sees him in me and me in him,
Builds his world that hovers over me;
He is pure trust that links two lives
In billions connects invisible to sight;
Responsible, he thinks, to guide me forth,
Shears his self to afford my growth;
He is sheer sacrifice in paternal faith,
Love and care from deep down in soul,
He is my blessings in humanistic form.

I have my life different from him,
And he sees one in the apparent two;
While differences oft shock his self,
He hides his hurts in forgiveness;
Hesitates not to open up his source
To smoothen my course running amok;
He builds that what I plan to become,
I'm his mould, framework he builds,
I am his shadow built in human frame.

Kindness like honey; forbearance, many,
He sees me forever as his indivisible part;
Lifts, comforts when I grievously slip,
He shares what he knows to enlighten me;
Whatever little light shine in my lamp,
Just like the sun, I owe that to him;
He is my source, he is my course,
He is the flame that lights my lamp,
He is the magic that creates my life.

He is that peel that covers my self
From assaults of worlds along the life;
He bears all attacks like unflinching shell
Till I stand up to face the world;
He does so much, but I am helpless
To recompense him even in a part;
With all these gifts, he leaves me unaware
Before I grow wings to share from own,
Indebted to my father, I remain forever.

Father is a gift given to protect,
Safest ever cover given by nature;
Father is the flame that gives light
To run the course lain for the future.

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