When I look up at the sky on a stormy night
I do not see stars
Yet I know they are there
They remind me that the night is not so dark
That even in turmoil
There is light
When I look at the heavens
My father
When all hell breaks loose
When opposition comes to meet me
When my life seems in vain
When I am weak
And the tempter seeks my soul
Will I know that you are there
Watching me
Guarding me
Giving me at the least hope
And the strength to fight
When all turn against me
When the world seeks my death
As well as I
Will I know you, Jehovah
Will I remember you
Will I have faith
When the storm clouds come
Will I struggle
Or shall I lay my head down
And be consumed alive
Please give me your spirit
Beautiful and thank you for using his name :) Keep writing!
Enjoyed this beautiful letter. I'm sure that God did too. And I believe that He is there for you always. The best to you.
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
not to rock the boat, but..........i did well believing in God before college and am doing at least as well not believing in God after college. of course i may go to Hell! ! Hell, it's not my fault i don't believe anymore. but i am open-minded; any of you believers are welcome to try to ATTEMPT to convert me with poems or prose..........just don't be pests, please. as for this poem? yes, i guess it is as much a poem as some of mine are. let's not be picky. i would more likely call it a letter (as in the title) or a prayer. i do miss seeing some capital letters other than at first words of lines and Jehovah, and some punctuation, BUT, hey! , it is not MY poem. thanks for sharing...the poet, Michael, and the comment-makers. bri