My Mentor Poem by Amit Kumar

My Mentor

Rating: 4.0

. My Mentor
You are not only my mentor
but a friend, caretaker, well wisher
and above all next to Almighty.

Thou like a candle burn yourself
and gave light to me spaciously,
Enlightened I am, feels fortunate
to be shaped in thy hands like a pot
In in the hands of a potter.

Sir, I am also teaching today
Still trying to be a copy of yours,
People questions how I learn
I said proudly ' Prof. Sudhir'.

I couldn't be a good human at all
if did not polished in thy hands
But now I am a good teacher for many.

like a chisel on stone works
and gives a beautiful shape
similarly thy hands worked on me
and refined my personalty.

May Almighty bless you always
May you succeed always in life! ! ! ! ! !

Sunday, December 27, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: love,respect
Wes Vogler 12 January 2016

My most appreciated teacher was in 1944 Olive Heritage English Teacher. I hope you as a teacher are still allowed discipline. Not the case here in Canada. The children are said to have rights and must be left free to think as they like. Non sense. I find very few on this site that are willing to tackle the limerick. It saddens me. Your sincerity shows very clearly in this verse. Thank you

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Amit Kumar 12 January 2016

thank you so much Wes Wogler Sir. i am honoured with this profession and i love my profession. thanks a lot for your valuable suggestion to give a congenial atmosphere to students. i ll keep ua advice. i love to be a good teacher forever.! ! !

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Nosheen Irfan 28 December 2015

Heart-touching poem. Full of respect n love for the mentor.

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