My Mind Is Now Woke Poem by Randy McClave

My Mind Is Now Woke

Seemingly to many I am one of a kind
Because, I have a woke mind,
I then guess that their own mind is asleep
Only certain information they want to keep.
I read books and I don't burn them
I don't see them as evil or causing mayhem,
They give me knowing and knowledge
Books, are my own personal college.
I truly embrace science
With it I find truth and compliance,
Science was created by God
So, with it I believe in it and I am awed.
Many times my mind has been changed
When new facts were obtained,
I don't mock, or falsely gossip or accuse
To do that there is no excuse.
I understand that most issues are black and white
For truth and honesty I will proclaim and fight,
I believe in true equality for one and all
No matter the race or belief or even how small or tall.
For everyone I say a daily prayer
With others I like to help and also share,
And in my own belief and foundation
I fully embrace cooperation.
I respect others rights and their beliefs
Unto them I will bring no sadness or pain or griefs,
And always I will tell them about Jesus
And how he loves each and every one of us.
I believe culture and history and arts have total worth
God put them here for us on this earth,
I believe unto others we should give less worries and strife
And I also care for this planet, and all of its life.
My mind was once truly comatose
It was dormant and it didn't care for the most,
And as if God himself unto me had spoke
My mind, it is now woke.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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