My Notes On The British Election 2019 Poem by Gayathri Seetharam

My Notes On The British Election 2019

My Notes on the British Election 2019
By Gayathri B. Seetharam
Sometimes, sensuous heat enjoys the comforting cold
Not literally temperature-wise but the time of solitude
Lets one mentally debate over issues and creatively publish endeavours
That do one credit;

It seems to me that Britian so liberal in so many ways
That it brought rock and roll and punk rock and heavy metal
To the world stage along with the legalisation of divorce
And takes the credit for liberal arts and literature,
Has a conservative side to its political leanings;

I learnt from Wikipedia that the Liberal Party has taken the sidelines
Since the early 1900s and then there is the Scottish National Party
Which is ahead of the Liberal Party as a CNN poll informed me
I don't actually know what platforms both these parties are running
But I can make a guess about the latter which is backed by the internet
And it is an independent economy for Scotland
And the Liberal Party may be saying a continued membership of Britian as a part of the European Union;

I looked up the internet for Boris Johnson's platform
And he says better railways, etc AND promises that Brexit shall be done
And Britain shall be the powerhouse it once was
With present day features
I called him "Bojo" of whom I say that "his mojo might be working
But it ain't going to work for "Britain maybe;

Looking for nicknames for both the leading candidates,
I thought Jeremy Corbyn brought the war song, Jeremiah Jones, to mind
On an aside, I must say that this song is not on the internet,
However, one could call him JC and I, in jest, say he is Jesus Christ
And for being an anti-Semite, he should bring in the Christian connection;

You folks familiar with the TV show, MASH,
It had a character, BJ Honeycud, and Boris Johnson could be nicknamed BJ
BJ was a wonderful character and I wonder in passing, if a conservative candidate could be
Very special and in the bigger perspective of things, Jesus Christ is a paragon of virtue
And BJ Honeycud is a jolly good fellow;

Is it a foregone conclusion or is Britain going to be hard to catch again
For Boris Johnson and I must say that he is aptly named Bojo for the son of a john
Is Johnson and another TV show, Seinfeld, referred to the male organ as Mr. Johnson
And while Jeremy Corbyn labours hard, the world is conservative with its praise for Boris Johnson.

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My Notes On The British Election 2019
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: political
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