My Shoes Poem by Jen..Jennifer Or Just Me

My Shoes

GO AHEAD- Step into my shoes, then you can tell me what I should do. Try to feel the way that I feel, try to believe this hurt is not real. Convince yourself that you are not weak, hold in all the pain, and never speak.
GO AHEAD- Walk in my shoes, then ask why I do what I do. Feel my sadness for just a minute, and then try to say you still don't get it. Be an actor and hide yourself, run from the pain, but you can't ever ask for help. Deal with everyone's problems, but never your own, Be around hundreds of people, and still feel alone.
GO AHEAD- Try on my shoes, see how well they will fit on you, You must always pretend that you are ok, continue to be fake every day. Go home and cry by yourself, dream you had someone that would help. Wish you had someone to come home to, except that wish might never come true. Imagine you can't love, or be loved ever, imagine feeling that things might never get better.
GO AHEAD- Run in my shoes, see if there is something to run to. Be me, then you might find what is going on in my mind. Maybe you will see another way to deal, then you can tell me how I should feel. If you think you could handle this better, please tell me, so I can be greater.
GO AHEAD- Step, walk, try on, and run in my shoes..then tell me what I should do. Until then, , , don't judge me, and don't pretend you can see what I can see.
GO AHEAD- Buy my shoes, hell..I'll be happy to give them to you. With those you will wear my whole heart, let's see if you wear them and never fall apart. -Jen, Jennifer, or Just Me

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