Mysteries Of Life Poem by Kavya .

Mysteries Of Life

Life is our Teacher
We are its Students,
Everyday is a learning phase
Every moment we have to embrace.

Life is understood through experience
It has to be learnt with patience,
That is why our first gurus* are our Parents
Who have seen life with more perseverance.

Mystery 1
As a child I used to always wonder
What is the need to celebrate birthdays
Are we happy because we are becoming more brave
But aren't we also moving one step towards the grave?

But as I grew up, I started knowing life much better
Its intricacies, Its importance and Its glitter,
That not everyone is lucky enough to see their next birthday
but if you are, then celebrate it right away!

Mystery 2
As a lady, I always wondered
Why do people congratulate the 2-be-parents
What great work have they done
Isn't it just the outcome derived out of pleasure!

But being a mom now I realize
Its not easy to get the title of a 'Mom' or a 'Dad'
Not everyone is blessed with this wonderful gift
There are so many striving to become one!

Mystery 3
As a child I always used to tell my dad
Your are a miser, you never spend lavish,
You take every step consciously
And handle financial matters wisely

But now, I know the value of money
That its not easy to gain it, honey!
Time, Money, Reputation are
Easy to lose, and very hard to earn!

Mystery 4
As a child, everyone wishes to grow up soon
Who want to step into their parents shoes,
As they feel, parents have no worries, no tensions of exams
But can do anything at any time they choose.

Now being grown-up, given a choice,
I want to be a child again,
As the saying goes (in Hindi)
'hum sharir se toh bade ho jaate hain**
par Dil se chote ho jaate hain! ! ! **

So dearies Enjoy Life
Live Longer, Happier, Healthier
At the start, yes, Life is a Mystery
But there are solutions, so do not be jittery!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: life
Gurus - Teachers

The saying which is more apt in Hindi - is translated as below:
That we grow only by mind and body, but dont have a big heart!
Valsa George 20 August 2014

A lovely poem Kavya! Life teaches us many lessons and as we grow, we come to realize that many of our earlier notions were just whimsical! I have one suggestion.... instead of Mysteries...., you could have titled the poem Lessons Learnt.... Lesson 1,2 on!

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Dinesan Madathil 19 August 2014

Mysteries in life are many and you have given the traces of a few of them. It is a write that needs to be annexed with a few more poems of the kind as you are going to come across some more mysteries

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Pradip Chattopadhyay 19 August 2014

a lovely write that inspires.

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