Nature, God And Universal Spiritual Energy! Poem by Ramesh T A

Nature, God And Universal Spiritual Energy!

From the ship of my house I can see East and West in the North,
East from the inside of my abode both Sunrise and Moon-rise ever;
South too I see from North East corner to enjoy Southern breeze;
Not a single goes without seeing the directions of geography sure!

I cannot count the Stars, but seeing all of them is impossible,
When the sky is full of clouds and a blanket of clouds closes all;
Even then one or two of Stars from far off space peeps through
The clouds and surprises me many a time in the night times sure!

The humorous philosophic Lord of blue colour comes to my mind, if,
When I see the wide open sky blue or grey or only full of clouds;
God is friend indeed, when Nature with blue sky or sea we see ever
And the spiritual mood absorbs mind, heat and soul to brightness!

Colour or colourless, Nature manifests the nature of God who is
Universal spiritual energy can neither be created nor destroyed!

Sunday, March 31, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: nature
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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