Never Alone Poem by Angelina Pandian

Never Alone

Life is not, only companionship –
Do not ever feel alone, my Soul,
For you are your own best friend
Ever there to give a helping hand!
Life does need a fellow traveler
To help you through it’s rough terrain
But, if ever you find yourself lost
Bewildered, all alone – Remember
You have a map, your Soul within.
The Soul does seek a companion spirit
But, when Fate orders a lonely march
Pull yourself together and take heart
The Soul by itself is unique – Yet,
Contains within it’s Self the whole Universe!
When my palm longs to hold another hand
When my head seeks a shoulder to lean upon
When my body aches for a hug, and
My heart yearns to call someone its own!
When my eyes blur with tears and
Self-pity consorts to sit with loneliness
Heavy, to reign in my heart –
“Then I shall fight” with you, my friend
My Soul – the breathe of God
By my side and drive loneliness to exile.

premji premji 24 May 2009

soul... solitude..... solace....... song..........

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, aryaindia 26 April 2009

Driving loneliness to exile is a wondrous thought and attempt and frees one of thoughts that are driving you crazy...........arya

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