New Year Thoughts 2021 Poem by Shaun Cronick

New Year Thoughts 2021

Have you ever stopped to figure,
As the New Year opens its door.
That a golden opportunity,
Is handed us once more.

To clear the slate of grievances,
And eternally thankful be.
For the many Blessings handed out,
To people like you and me.

So lets take stock of what we have,
You'll find it a pleasant surprise.
And most of us could head our list,
With a pair of healthy eyes.

Two arms we have and our fingers too,
To aid us day by day.
And a set of sturdy legs to take us,
To our work and play.

Two ears we have to listen,
To poetry or symphonies,
Nice homes we have to stay in,
When we want to take our ease.

We have books for education,
And for plain enjoyment too.
And schools to teach our children,
So they'll grow up strong and true.

And food enough to feed us all,
We never stand in line.
Nobody has to send us clothes,
I'd say we all look fine.

We never have all winter here,
There's summer, spring and fall.
And recreation of all sorts,
A choice for one and all.

Churches of all faiths are found,
All around our town.
And we've got a family doctor,
When illness gets us down.

Our jobs are safe and steady,
We have no cause for fear.
As we stand upon the portal,
Of another brand new year.

Yes, I'd say we're very lucky,
Doing better than okay.
Though we often think it tiresome,
As we go to work each day.

So let's overlook the petty things,
We're rich without a doubt.
And thank our Heavenly Father,
For the Blessings handed out.

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