Nightmare At Daytime Poem by KOFI AGYARE NTIRI

Nightmare At Daytime

Here they come,
With their mischief
arousing now and then
they torture them and
vandalize their properties
I thought they were supposed to lead them,
and prioritize their plight.
But they have made it a delight
to torture them after their exploits.

Oh how sad! I mean how sad?
That the kinsman of the lamb
Conspires with these toxic persons
And victimize the lamb
There might be deficiency
In their endowed conscience
Refusing to recall from ancience
That the lion fights with efficacy
Why then has the lion refuse to
fight for himself?

Pew pew pew
From afar we hear the cries
Of the vulnerable
echoing through the skies
trading calmness for ripple.
The woes of Mombasa,
the predicaments of Burundi
and the agonies meted to Kigali
are now invited to the land
as peace is ceded to war.

No arrest so far
The entities are
but dumb and null.
Who once upon a time
Worked with diligence and glim,
have now allowed themselves to begrimed
as the lamb faces unlimited grim.

In the morning, those nation wreckers
Come to make their evil glow
With no sign of remorsefulness,
They defend their evil course
They have made that conspiracy game
An epitome of evil

But the lamb will see justice
Upon hearing the clarion
When once the lion
Responds to the master's call
To account for his course
Against the innocent scullion

The poem nightmare at daytime is a paradoxical and a satiric poem by popular prolific poet and writer ntiri Agyare Isaac. The poem is aimed primarily at chastising current unfortunate political happenings amidst democracy in post independent era in Ghana. The message of paradox is conveyed in the title of the poem and reiterated in the piece itself. The poet throws a jab at three key persons whose actons leave the innocent in agony, discomfort and quargmire. These people are the politician, members from the community who assist the politician to unleash pains onto the populace and those people whose duty is to seek justice of victims who suffer from the hands of the former.
Samuel Boadi 13 August 2022

Wow, its a nice poem. Good analysis too

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