No Comment Poem by Randy McClave

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Didn't he say that he wasn't a racist and a liar
Any other person they'd be heading to hell's fire,
His supporters praise him with desire and argument;
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Didn't he say that it was only the mentally ill
And also video gamers who enjoyed to kill,
Guns we can buy, but no more violent movies or games can we rent;
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Didn't he say that global warming did not exist
And that he was smarter than any scientist,
Now no more money to stop pollution is being spent;
No comment.

Didn't he say that he never asked forgiveness from God
That his sinful transactions were all false and a fraud,
Children are now being caged and are in torment;
No comment.

Didn't he say that he would enjoy a war
Even though he refused the draft to serve our country before,
Because of him happily to war our soldiers would be sent;
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Didn't he insulted and attacked all immigrants
From the poor, and the men and women and even the infants,
His wealthy Illegal wife and her parents all have a strong accent;
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Didn't he refuse or cared to help the poor and the needy
Didn't he give tax breaks to himself the wealthy and the greedy,
But, on his own taxes he never paid one red cent;
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Didn't he say that he couldn't recite a favorite bible verse
But, he enjoys to offend and mock and bully and curse,
Will I ever follow his evil footprint;
No comment.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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