Commenting had become a taboo for all those who like to nod,
Only the arrogance-equipped personalities can set the code,
All they say is a heavenly truth; whereas you yell in wilderness,
And they assure that God won't hear all who by his name bless...
I'm one of the few maybe trapped between commitment and pain,
I won't hope for anything new, even if God will ask about it again,
I just read, evaluate, analyze and put it on the board of the train,
Which carries away memories, to the endless stations of my brain...
You may color my face with the ink of your pen; humiliate me, it's ok,
I'm a man lost his tongue in the junkyard of reason, but I still pray,
You can find ecstasy in my silent cries, as on your back you lay,
Laugh on my foolishness; how did this man find me in a stack of hay?
Everybody does mistakes, everyone has those notorious days,
As years pass you may experience temptations in different ways,
After leaving everything behind; now I'm sunk in endless smoke,
So that my brain will inhale the insults that make my soul choke...
Still the same old faith of living a life in peace, bothering none,
No one will notice a man, whose image from your mind is gone,
A passed away friendship, as I didn't know how to fight fire with fire,
I faced the hatred with love; was shot by a revengefully killing desire...
P.S. With my respect to all the readers; don't just pretend to be friends, create friendships...Nothing lasts forever... but the memory of a good friend...
This poem has not been translated into any other language yet.
I would like to translate this poem
Excellent Write! (Practice makes perfect, but nobody is perfect, so why practice?) Anyway that is a joke, and I find your writing is really very good, and comments/non-comments should never affect your passion to write. It is a falacy to write because we want reviews, but we write because we love to. Who cares about reviews? Good writing survives and will thrive BECAUSE IT IS GOOD. So here's my vote -10+++++++++