No More Love Poem by Ace Of Black Hearts

No More Love

Rating: 5.0

This is last time.
Quiting a bad habit for good.
I knew I could.
Goodbye to the life as I know it.
Bring it on.
I'll take it anyway I can get it.
With the discipline of waiting on my calling to those white pearly gates.
With the emotional strength of hundreds of thousands of people everyday
In your arms I was denied.
NO ONE loves me.
Not today,
All I receive is the everyday pity.
Don't waste your time.
Cause their is not a tear shed through my eyes.
I'm not sad.
I'm just moving on.
How can you be sad over something you never had.
Disgust with dignity.
Indifference to infinity.
Just ignore me I'm not even here.
Like the whispers behind the silence that envelopes my ears.
I can sense your fear.
I'm not a serial killer.
I just don't fit that profile.
Crazy maybe.
But so is everyone else in this not so perfect little world.
Forgive me if I hurl.
I'm already sick of you and it was but a mere passing.
It would be better off fasting.
No I will not take it.
I'm just not hungry enough to swallow.
The stomach bubbling.
A feeling yet wanting.
It just won't go away.

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