No Mother Equals In Care Poem by PRAVEEN KUMAR English

No Mother Equals In Care

You're pure like dawn,
Its celestial glow;
You're like morn-dew,
Fresh and crystal-like;
I feel jasmine presence
Whenever you're near,
Same fragrance, transparence,
Unalloyed brightness;
You're cool, lovely flower,
Warm like little lamp
That lights inner retreat;
Bright like full moon light
With sparkles in shining eyes,
I wonder on and oft,
You smile by eyes or mouth
That always blooms my heart;
An unexplained light spell
Your presence or mere thought
Always seizes me;
You brightens my soul,
You blossoms my heart
And excites earthly desires;
You lights my path,
Erects hope's signboards
And gently lead forward
Through the maze of future
To my goal post.

You're like diamond, hard,
In its sparkling glory,
In its colour spectrum;
Firm in hard resolve,
Not let me go astray,
You cut thro' hard surface
Even if it badly bleeds me,
To resist me from falling prey,
And you go in flames for that;
You're cool like full moon,
And fierce like summer sun
When comes to my welfare;
You're unalloyed innocence,
Transparent, luminescent,
Like purest of pure diamond;
You're pure love's glow,
You're soul's sole comfort,
No mother equals in care;
Oft I wonder within,
Can one be so unselfish,
Relegates herself to oblivion?
You're pure sacrifice
To your soul's cause,
That inspires to meet in half;
I feel mere naught,
At your lofty presence,
And pine to be one with you.

Sunday, May 1, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: life,love
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