'' No Parties Ever Took Place '' Poem by Bri Mar

'' No Parties Ever Took Place ''

The British tradition,
A stiff upper lip,
As the corrupt politician,
Shoots from the hip,
His own rendition,
It was but a blip,
Though my behaviour, was a disgrace.

While we're in control,
You must follow our rules,
As through them you scroll,
Obey them like mules,
We must all play a role,
They are our crown jewels,
Our instructions, you all must embrace.

If caught in the act,
All those will be fined,
You could well be sacked,
That is so unrefined,
If the truth you redact,
You could be confined,
We will never give up the chase.

If carried out by us,
That's a different matter,
There will be no fuss,
Your lies we will shatter,
We'll refuse to discuss,
Your libelous chatter,
With ourselves, you can't keep up the pace.

Someone is lying,
You have left us distraught,
We'll continue denying,
The evidence you've got,
When politicians start crying,
It's because they've been caught,
Of the truth you won't find a trace.

I'll set up an enquiry,
Where I'm both jury and judge,
The evidence though fiery,
The facts I will fudge,
A week in the priory,
Where the outcome I'll smudge,
My verdict? More lies I'll embrace.

Most of the proof,
Has been passed to the met,
Though you may hit the roof,
I can honestly bet,
The whole thing's a spoof,
They'll say, no need to fret,
I'll continue to laugh in your face.

I am innocence defined,
As I'm sure you can tell,
You've been so unkind,
I'm as angry as Hell,
The fact I've been fined,
Leaves a nasty smell,
To justify it, I'll still make my case.

The report's been completed
Sues draft is out,
Though most of it's deleted,
The law I did flout,
The fact I'm conceited,
Means I'm in no doubt,

‘' No Parties Ever Took Place ‘'

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