Not By Any Effort Of Mine Own, A Heart Song Poem by Glen Kappy

Not By Any Effort Of Mine Own, A Heart Song

Rating: 5.0

Not by any effort of mine own
was the scrim of thought then lifted
so in that moment I could really see.

Not from me—against my expectation—
did you speak those words that turned me—
and all I brought was a hungering heart.

And not through human prompting
did the word and the conviction come—
the knowing I was finally "home."

And this morning seeking quiet only
"not by any effort of mine own" appeared
which now becomes this poem.

Thursday, April 12, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: christian,god,grace,heart song,home,human condition,inspiration,knowledge,perception,worship
Me Poet Yeps Poet 04 June 2018

nice to know ur from NewYork also

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Glen Kappy 05 June 2018

Thanks. I was in NYC for the first time in forty-six years just a week ago. Stayed close to my last Manhattan address, did some ancestor exploration, and took in some of what the city has to offer over the course oxf a week. -Glen

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Rini Shibu 12 April 2018

Your heart is singing in this poem

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Glen Kappy 12 April 2018

it is, rini. and it's the first time i've written a heart-song, as i call them, in years. as i say in the poem i was just sitting wanting some quiet, and it came. thank you for reading and commenting. be very blessed. -glen

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Rini Shibu 12 April 2018

Your hear is singing in this poem

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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