Now I Care Poem by Randy McClave

Now I Care

I never cared about the color of your skin
I see us all as equal women and men,
But, what really was hurtful and made me mad
How you blamed me for the problems that you had
I never cared about your political affiliations or how you voted
I didn't care how you bragged or how you boasted,
To your beliefs I was thoughtful and very kind
But, I hated it when you condemned me for mine.
I never really cared where you were born
Here, there, anywhere and never did I scorn,
But, when you want to erase my ancestry and my history
Because you were here before me, I hate it for the misery.
I never cared what your religion or belief was
As long as you cared and helped and forgave and loved,
But, I hated it when your damning my religion and my belief
Just to hurt me and bring me sadness and grief.
I never cared how you wanted to hurt me
I never cared how different things we did see,
But, now I care
And now for you I will forgive and I will say a prayer.

Randy L. McClave

Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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