Oddity Living Life Backwards Poem by Clinton Siegle

Oddity Living Life Backwards

Rating: 5.0

Clinton you were a unique soul...

living entity with a bit of a trickster within you.

I would count your friends not on Facebook but in reality, on the graves you stood over and souls you knew. Never doubting you were singular you were an individual.

Time has proven you are not unique nor the first.

only a derivative of someone else's soul.

Now I wish to meet that soul, how to meet the original me would be interesting to me.

Did you do this? What was your thoughts on that? Why did you walk down that path instead of taking this path? So you did not think that? How are we the same story? It makes no sense. I am not you... I am either a weed or wolf in sheep clothing is my understanding. I cannot handle much more. My head hurts the microwaves humming are just annoying. It hurts my teeth. I do not know who you are any more. Retro causality means an event outside the record making an impact on the study or case. That is this case. This is not my story. These are not my peeps. Am I, a weed or a wolf... that I don´t know any more?

Oddity Living Life Backwards
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: time
Dave Walker 04 November 2018

This blew my mind, in a good way, it's almost as if you went back in time and bumped into yourself. A great write.

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