Ode, A Melbourne. (Translation) . Poem by Michael Walker

Ode, A Melbourne. (Translation) .

Rating: 5.0

(Pour Brentley Frazer) .

quand jfk fut tue d'un coup de fusil
l'histoire etait rechargee
en film, la litterature et la politique-
au passe il semblait comme si sa mort

eut apporte a l'attention
pour la premiere fois le coeur noir
qui devore l'Amerique- et donc hier
a Melbourne, quand nous nous promenions

le long du chemin pont
en passant magasin apres magasin
de mercantillisme decadent
j'ai commence a rappeler jfk

comme si mon coeur aussi fut
represente en scene, assassine encore-
& me rappelant ce qu'il

j'ai jete un coup d'oeil aux environs
et j'ai vu une enseigne McDonald's
qui se trouvait avec justice au-dessus de nous
comme un tireur isole sur le toit.
October 2003.

-'Ode, in Melbourne'.Mark Pirie b.1974. 'Rock& Roll', p.135.

Ode, A Melbourne. (Translation) .
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: city
The ode is about Melbourne, but more so about the assassination of John F. Kennedy,22 November,1963. My poem on the assassination is 'Dusky Day in Dallas'. Some critics say that Mark Pirie has written the definitive poem of 22 November,1963 right here.
He opens by noting that when jfk was shot, history was re-loaded in the movies and books about the president's life and the assassination. A huge number of books.
This revealed ' The black heart/ that eats America'. A fair comment. Yesterday he walked along Bridge Road with a friend, passing shops 'of decadent commercialism'. Then he started to remember JFK as if his own heart was being 're-enacted, assassinated- once again'; and as he remembers what Kennedy stood for, he glanced around and saw a McDonald's sign ' positioned justifiably above us/ like a sniper on the roof'. This evokes Lee Harvey Oswald of course. It is a superb last line of an understated, evocative poem. The tone is just right.
Rajnish Manga 18 April 2019

Thanks for presenting the backdrop against which the poem has been written. JFK was a great leader shot dead by an assassin's bullets. It jolted the entire world. I still remember the day.

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michael walker 23 April 2019

I agree with you about JFK. He was a hero to me when I was younger. he did not deserve to be killed. No way.

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