Of Not Said 6 Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

Of Not Said 6

Of not said 6

I was home when phone rang
Call from hospital: "Come if can…"

I met him, named Shamloo
He was an NCO and I, an officer
"Patient talked about you ‘Husband of my sister.'"

The nurse was Ex-Navy
I came of the Air Force
Had changed job to be nurse:
"Take her home, be careful…"

Insisted: "If is found as injured may end as live-buried! "
I had seen and observed such kind of miseries,
Shah's time, Khomeini's…
Brutal is nation; not only the leaders…

She had been where I was
I fled chainmen and hooligans
She was hit and fallen, ended in hospital
I hid notes and the books under shirt and in pants.

Used trick and stopped in the good bakery
I became an actor; sought bread, and ordered
Watched Rev Guard with their guns
Swallowed my breath.

Then in hand held bread
And for home I headed
To my Ex, a housewife,
Said nothing of the seen
She never got involved…

Politics and reading
Never matched her cooking
That was what she loved most
Till she saw her sister as injured.

Do not ask of today…
That woman of kitchen
Masters in everything; pretends! ! !

Sunday, November 27, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: experience
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