On Receiving Birthday Cards From My Sisters Poem by Glen Kappy

On Receiving Birthday Cards From My Sisters

If in a movie
their starting journeys might be shown
by a few film frames of a map
their two points distant from each other
then moving lines from each
converging on a third—

my address
on this terrestrial globe
where well hidden from general view
like a cricket snugly wedged between grasses
this voice of mine chirping my presence
I give thanks to be remembered.

Saturday, June 29, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: birthday,birthday greetings,earth,film,grass ,gratitude,insect,journeys,movie,remembrance

Wow! You made poetry out of the most mundane actions. Essentially you're just waiting to grow older (!) but anticipationof your sisters' arrival makes this a routine-breaker. I can anticipate the laughter and frolic after this reverie. (Save a piece of cake for me! !)

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Glen Kappy 10 July 2019

daniel, this year, with the shock and passing of our older son, i have been more emotionally " tender." so this yearly receiving of cards was more meaningful and appreciated than usual. observing this in myself, the poem followed. thank you, daniel. and here's a virtual piece of cake i gladly send your way. -glen

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Glen Kappy

Glen Kappy

New York, NY USA
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