One Religion Poem by Asit Kumar Sanyal

One Religion

Christian says …..
One Christ, one Bible one Religion
But Latin Catholic never enters Syrian Catholic Church
These two never enter Marthoma Church
These three never enter Pentecost Church
These four never enter Salvation Army Church
These five never enter Seventh Day Adventist Church
These six never enter Orthodox Church
These seven never enter Jacobite church
Not only this …..
Each of 146 castes in Christianity
Does not share their churches with other
Still … One religion, One Bible, One Jehovah.

Muslim says …..
One Allah, one Quran, one religion
But Sunni hates Shia, Shia hates Sunni
They kill one another all over world
Often create religious riots
Shia never goes to Sunni Mosque
These two not enter to Ahamadiya Mosque
These three not enter to Sufi Mosque
These four never enter to Mujahiddin mosque
Not only this …..
Each of 13 castes in Islam
Kills, bombs, conquers, massacres each other
Still one religion, One Quran, one Allah.

Hindu says …..
We have thirty three lakh gods
Four Vedas,1,280 Religious Books
10,000 Commentaries
One lakh plus sub-commentaries
Hundreds of religious schools, beliefs
Variety of Ashrams, variety of Aacharyas,
Thousands of Rishies, Yogis, Sannyasis
Hundreds of languages
Countless presentations of ‘one God'
Still they all go to all temples
They are peaceful, tolerant
And seek unity with others.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: christ,christian,islamic,religion
Asit Kumar Sanyal

Asit Kumar Sanyal

Lalgola, Murshidabad, West Bengal, India.
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