Only The Loving One Joins Us Ever! Poem by Ramesh T A

Only The Loving One Joins Us Ever!

Rating: 3.5

Droughts, rains, floods, storms, volcanic eruptions
And Earthquakes are part of this world we are living in;
Despite all these things, many species are surviving
In the oceans and many living beings are living here!

All feel what a world we live in both hot and cold,
Sweet and bitter, pain and pleasure we experience
And go on living life good or bad from start to end
To make a mark and meaningful by making an end so...!

For all good things we are enjoying we feel it is luck
And for all bad things we are undergoing we feel it's fate;
Luck or fate, life is life and this life if lived with
Love and humour we smile and laugh with all till the end!

If we smile and laugh, all will join us to be so with us;
If we are melancholic, no one will feel to be with us ever;
If we do good, world will criticize and if we do bad also,
They do so, but only the loving one consoles and joins us!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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