Optionsin Life Poem by mamutty CHOLA

Optionsin Life

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Our life is a gift from the nature meant to be lived morally and ethically
And to spread happiness and smiles among the fellow human beings

We have to become an example for rest of humanity and not a lesson in life
Whatever happens, happens for good since there are redesigned divine interventions in every body's life on this earth

If challenges are faced with focused determination threats could be turned into opportunities in life.
So never give up if there is perseverance and determination to succeed, you will find lady luck smiling at you at next turning

Our experience is is sum total of life spent which says whoever faced life with focused
direction have always been a success; be it Abraham Lincoln, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela.

Failures. Successes, sorrow and happiness are integral to our lives; no escape
; be it a king, a papour.Life takes examination first and result later.One door is shut, another opens up.

In life what you say, how do you say makes abig difference in life in
wining friends and gaining acceptance, Words once spoken can never be recalled.
In life's journey, if hurddles come, we have to overcome.And follow water as role
model which adjusts to the situation unlike rocks which creates always huddles.

Rememeber death is not the end of life.Even if we are dead and gone our good deeds will live on till eternity

Friday, April 27, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: epic
Kumarmani Mahakul 27 April 2018

You are very right. All human being should realize truth. All should live morally and ethically. This poem is really very brilliantly and beautifully penned...10

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