Our Boxers Poem by Randy McClave

Our Boxers

The Boxers are here to train
Speed, strength and agility is their gain,
They are also getting back into shape
To become heroes without a cape.
They have no worries or any fear
That is why they are training here,
With sweat and moans they do their exercises
Endurance, fitness, and pride is their prizes.
Also here with me and them at the gym
Stands the other coaches, Aaron and Tim,
We push as we teach to help our fighters
So, they can become true smiters.
Landon is always wearing his smiles
Even after being punched, or running miles,
And Gracie is always prepared to enter the ring
To box, her heart does scream and sing.
Now along with her she brought her brother Nate
Now boxing too will be his fate,
Nick of course is our fighting giant
He is tuff and hard, but never defiant.
He does what he is always told
Like all of our boxers he is proud and bold,
Tyler is still very new to the club
He might become a fighting bear cub.
Then over there walks in Jamal
Boxing indeed is his true call
He is excited again to hit the mitts and bags
As the world around him nags.
Boxers are a special and a different breed
Our souls and minds are freed,
We rely truly on ourselves and no others
And all boxers, are our sisters and our brothers.
We train, and we train that is our desire
We box, and then we coach we never ever retire,
Truly Boxers are the true gladiators;
One day they will battle in front of spectators.

Randy L. McClave

Friday, June 5, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: boxing
I am also a boxing coach, so I wrote this the other night..
Randy McClave

Randy McClave

Ashland, Kentucky
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