Out From Under Poem by Samantha Jenks

Out From Under

I lie myself down to sleep and wish you were next to me. Your skin the softest touch electric lighting me on fire. I miss your scent if only you knew the comfort it invokes graciously soothing me. Your smile those eyes that use to light my world. I long for your happiness, I wish you’d still be mine. It’s as though I’ve lost my place in this world. With nothing to fall back on I’ll die my pieces will shatter exploding as I hit the ground. But I know there’s still love left in this heart to give, sadly it’s not for you. You had the best of me my all. I gave you every ounce I had, the very strands of my being. You were written on my heart which I entrusted into shaking hands. It’s broken now you let me down. We let the love fade away. But I know now tonight my tears don’t define me, my heart can be remade. I will live to die another day. Ill get over, ill come out from under, the spell on me you had cast. Risen from the ashes of a past life, a lost love, a new moon in my night sky. The stars come out on this cloudy night. I can live again, ill breath after the life you took. Ill love like I’ve never, live for forever, get back all you took from me. A story is told, you and I are over, this chapter's finally closed.

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