Papa Will Be Home Soon Poem by Phoenix1 Smith

Papa Will Be Home Soon

Constantly I will recall my fear as a child
every night as the sunset is starting to fade
and the darkness slowly creeping, winds so mild
my mother by the window, her hair still unmade
lips slowly quivering. my eyes she's trying to evade

in hushed tones I asked her: 'Mommy, what is wrong?
and she always replies: 'soon your Papa will be home'
crippling terror started to invade my soul knowing along
a scene will transpire tonight that would be loathsome
powerless as a child, this is the family where I belong

imagining Papa swarming with the scent of liquor
at a young age, I've never seen such an ugly sight
slightly limping, grinning he would barge in the door
this is the site where he and mommy will start to fight
then comes the yelling, screaming no stopping the row

If only I can make the clock stand still, for the time to stop
so mother and I can have supper, and a good night sleep
can't be done as I am just a child, my tears falling like slop
and now fear and panic is starting to uncontrollably creep
papa would be home soon, again agitating quarrel will erupt

mommy, please don't cry, I am just a little girl, what can I do?
If only I have power to make time halt, but life isn't like that
minutes again will start passing by, for time can't be stopped
like every passing night, the dreaded time will always come
and as it is in a little more while, soon papa will be home...

Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: fear
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