Parental Promises Poem by Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Parental Promises

Rating: 5.0

Two gorgeous angels who resemble you so much,
sickened and heart broken due to your endless crap,
They fear of your evil ways, especially your touch,
tonight they screamed, afraid of your leather strap.

Devastation and torn they cry longing for you,
permission granted, your demons over rule all.
Saddened they ask why you changed, even when they both knew,
tormented no more, for we stand bold and so tall.

In the twilight of our togetherness, we rise;
through faith I will be guided to protect them now.
Together the three of us will give a surprise,
they will reflect their love, watch and learn, you'll see how.

They worry about you and pray every long night,
wishing you good health and that you won't forget them.
Constantly asking why you're not there, it's their right,
in memory you shall remain true, fragile gem.

In my hands lays theirs, praying for you to be healed,
grieving they cry, for you said your goodbyes today.
Your daughters are warriors and will never yield,
your disgrace has taught them to disengage all fray.

I bind you from ever harming them or anyone else,
you will always remain in photos on their shelf.

Red Blooded Black Hearted 15 October 2007

That's horrible! Not the poem though. It's really beautiful and touching! Great work. I hope your daughters will be alright. Keep writing you have a reall knack for it.

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Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Kristin Nicole RothDavis

Southern Oklahoma... <country gal here>
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