Peace And Happiness Enjoyably Ever! Poem by Ramesh T A

Peace And Happiness Enjoyably Ever!

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Death is sure for everyone, humans, animals, birds and fish;
Death may be painful or peaceful according to one's fate;
But pain of all kinds all have to suffer one day or other;
World is for suffering though joy and bliss may be there!

Fortune and fate fluctuate like day and night for all sure;
Mood also changes according to one's status everyday here;
Nothing is sure for all and steady in this world till end;
But end is death sure for all - good, bad and ugly, no doubt!

Best thing is lessen one's burden with contention of heart;
Desire leads to distress when failure occurs in one's life;
Peace and happiness if one looks for outside is unavailable;
If one decides for peace and happiness, make oneself free!

To make oneself free of worries, difficulties and problems,
Make one's commitment possible and never try impossible sure;
Such a person's journey till the destination of death comes,
Tt will be enjoyable and peace and happiness one can enjoy sure!

Gajanan Mishra 28 July 2019

death is the ultimate truth

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Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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