Peace, Beauty And A World Full Of Hate Poem by Emily Clark

Peace, Beauty And A World Full Of Hate

I walk the streets to find my peace. i have never really looked around me just gone on with my busy life. now that all has crumbled i actually look for the beauty. I see an ambulance speed by the paramedic working to save a life. I see dirty children crying in the street, the mothers and fathers lying in a heap, passed out in their own oblivion. Not a care for their children, i see the pain an hunger for a life more better, the officials just stand by and watch this injustice go by. I see the filth that people live in and wonder why is it their lazy? is it their depressed? i see the children suffer with bruises for the world to see, they love their parents unconditionally, i see they mask their pain to survive in a world thats so vain, i see they try everything to be perfect for their mummies an daddies, i see starving people with just the clothes on theirs backs i see the humiliation to go begging time and time again, just down on their luck they just need a break from a world full of suffering and hate.

i see violence in the street another kicked of his feet another drunken oblivion, i see flashing lights and handcuffs, blood an tears. i see stumbling an broken glass just over another glass. i see them in the gutter off their head, you dont stop to talk or they will smack you in the head. i see another perso with life in their belly drinking tequilla to numb their pain, why drink the child is innocent? they will just grow up like their mummy an daddy.

i see fields of green, the beauty of nature so wild an true i feel peace envelop me in this world of hate. i see the horses stand with not a care in the world they look into your soul and see your pain, they understand when noone can. i see the counrty side on one of my drives its so quiet i want to stay. to hide away from the ones that hurt me, my memories are like vidoes forever playin the painfull things i want to lock away.

today is a new day try to to look for the beauty in life, the life im lucky to be alive, to smell the flowers and feel the light sprinkle of rain, to see the sun to feel its warmth, feel the gentle breeze through my hair. today like any day i will cherish my time on this earth, i will live to try everything to be someone i want to be with no control on my destiny

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