People's Rule Or Dynastic Rule? Poem by Ramesh T A

People's Rule Or Dynastic Rule?

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Crossing the board from one side to another side between Black and
White kings is Chess game all ages of people play as indoor game..!
In politics, opposition tries to topple the ruling party to come to power
And the ruling party tries to foil all their attempts to be in power ever!

Both in love and war there is nothing fair or foul in the struggle or
Battle, but only the end point of victory to achieve their objective!
In business too competition between two companies to capture the
Market for their products is the only aim of vigorous companions!

In politics, war and love, everything is fair to achieve their goals by
Any means to eliminate enemies in their favour only in any situation!
In politics, war and love, victory of their party, nation and love are
Most important and not friends or anybody else close to one's heart!

Now people have realized all the natures of governance and the
Corruption being perpetrated by them since time immemorial ever!
So, they have resolved to uphold the politcal party that supports
People rule and not dynastic rule that governs nation by corruption!

People's Rule Or Dynastic Rule?
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: political humor
Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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