Pity The Cruel Poem by JAMES T. ADAIR

Pity The Cruel

I pity the cruel
they miss so much of life
their goal is self-importance
their motives are selfish
and heartless
they use people up
They revel in sewing strife
They'll promise love
and cut your heart out with a knife
and make you feel like a fool

You were the caring one
the one who hung your heart out to see
you dealt in truth
kindness and honesty
you sought only to be
and in your heart a dream you see
and they've replaced it with sadness
with longing and with tears and misery
while you've taken the bold chance to care
the cruel will discard you
as if you were never there

Hold brave your heart
and fight back your loser's tears
because its said that the destitute
and those mourning in sadness
will one day be lifted up
to feel at long last
hoped for happiness and gladness
and the cruel will be punished
in proportion to their sins
because in the long run cruelty never wins

Those who are cruel
and who have no heart
never risk having it broken apart
but they miss the greatest part
felt by those with a true heart
until one day its plain to the cruel
they weren't so smart
They missed the joy of love
that you felt from the start

Love is wasted on the cruel
but everything in time comes back around
one day smiles will replace your frowns
and the cruel will sulk and cry
wishing you were still around
but you left them behind
to beg for forgiveness
while you've risen to higher ground
and you'll forgive them
but alas it will be to late
as the cruel have already sealed their fate

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