Planet Light Poem by Liza Sud

Planet Light

Rating: 2.5

Donald the first, Vladimir the first,
There were two great Tsars,
They ran a small universe,
with the name: 'planet Light'.

And on this light planet
There were enough resources,
wars there never happened,
and it had a lot of churches.

No one hid Sapphires
with agates in the corners,
and in each saint apartment
small family temple grows.

No one devided planet,
did not blow up stations.
Vladimir was commanding
and Donald, friends forever.

Planet in soarks was bursting,
Light planet - it reaally was!
They listened to all poets,
and believed in their words.


Дональд Первый, Владимир Первый,
Два великие короля,
управляли малой вселенной,
под названьем планета Светла.

На этой планете Светлой
ресурсов хватало всем,
и не было войн на планете,
а было много Церквей.

Никто не прятал Сапфиры
с агатами по углам,
и в каждой святой квартире
был малый семейный храм.

Никто не делил планету,
и станции не взрывал.
Царили - Владимир Первый
и Дональд, всегда друзья.

Планета искрилась Светом,
Планета была Светла!
Там слушали всех поэтов,
и верили в их слова.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: dream,light
Daniel Brick 15 November 2016

This planet and its people have two singular advantages: abundant resources and many churches. Scarity of resources leads to aggression by the needy party, so one big cause of violence is resolved. I interpret the MANY CHURCHES as providing the moral teachings of good will and spiritual calm to prevent the warlord, fascist mentality from developing. AND Poetry is not just literature but provides another moral voice, like the way Goethe tried to morally educate his prince. It didn't work but it was not the teacher-poets fault, the prince was just habitually a wicked, wanton man.

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Tom Billsborough 15 November 2016

Robert recommended it to me. Glad he did. Let us pray they aren't the two monsters of fable!

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