Please Don't Go (2) Poem by Chan Mongol

Please Don't Go (2)

In bars, in clubs, in the happy hour;
Everybody knows a prostitute's power!
Without teeth with her un cleaned image!
She is on duty, in her special base?

Once you sell out, you will burn;
Must experience hell in that turn!
If you are hooked up in that prostitution;
Nothing will be left and no more relation!

Please! Please! Calm down;
Stay by me, wearing the gown!
Talk out and do not endanger;
Life and beauty with your anger!

I am sorry for you, my dear;
It's a harsh life out there!
I wanted to be your main man;
To be with you as much as I can!

I appreciate love, everything in you;
Always dream you and see you new!
You are my partner and part of me;
Your love and beauty, I always see!

Don't get dirty, please come;
Give up vodka, whisky and rum!
Don't take cocaine, don't you lose!
You still my best, like a rose!

Why embarrassing and out of control?
Why in outer homes with a cursed role?
Whom you punishing? Me or you?
You are hurting yourself in that queue!

In bars, in clubs, in the happy hour;
Everybody knows a prostitute's power!
Without teeth with her un cleaned image!
She is on duty, in her special base?

Thursday, May 19, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: care,love
Chan Mongol

Chan Mongol

East Bengal (Bangladesh)
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