Poem Hunter, Police Proxy Cut Out Ending, Last 20+ Lines Of My Poem: The Police Track My Movement, Task Employees: Bojangles … See Notebook Here Poem by Dennis Ryan

Poem Hunter, Police Proxy Cut Out Ending, Last 20+ Lines Of My Poem: The Police Track My Movement, Task Employees: Bojangles … See Notebook Here

Thursday afternoon, June 11, 2024 at 2: 07 p.m.,2: 35 p.m.,
3: 14 p.m. and 3: 31 p.m. and now at 5: 32 p.m.

The poem's ending, as it contained, before being cut from the poem …

What will happen tonight in Bojangles?
I have no idea. Perhaps nothing—now that
word is out. No, something. Always does.
Anything might, given Police proclivity to tricks,
dirty tricks, using proxies as actors and other proxies
in real-life roles, doctors, lawyers, architects, perhaps
ministers again, Jehovah Witnesses as have as been
used before, my wife Korean, Kim Jung Sook—her
congregation, it's members, many if not all of them!
Other Jehovah Witness congregations in Raleigh,
Cary and vicinity. You get the idea, readers, trusted
'professionals', 'the religious', 'the pious', all cloak
and dagger—professional, religious my holy arse!
Again, the police use everyone unprincipaled enough
to do their bidding, that, or individuals scared enough
into cooperating, smart enough to wonder what might
happen to them if they don't play along—what's good
for Police gander is good for sycophant goose, 'Goose
no get cooked! ' (With the exception of Canadian geese,
damned, untrustworthy foreigner said, emigrating, flying
in, no passports—deport, deport them!) I will just wait
and see, observe, report back to you sooner than later—
this little I know. Final point—police know I can, Will
go blind once a retina, retinas are detached—after torn—
this their aim, the police's immediate goal, among others,
and here the torture and cruelty come into play—has
done some 20 years already—Evil is as evil does, Evil is
as evil does, dies, Evil is if the police are involved, this
covert-operations evil, Evil all the way, Evil all the way …

Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Topic(s) of this poem: police,eyes,vision,blindness,object,objective,goal,evil,cruelty,victim,survival,survivors,courage,bravery,leader,lessons of life,experience,truth,telling,reality
Dennis Ryan

Dennis Ryan

Wellsville, New York
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