Poetry An Unique Expreience Of Human Life Ever! Poem by Ramesh T A

Poetry An Unique Expreience Of Human Life Ever!

Poetry An Unique Experience of Human Life Ever!

Poetry is incomparable experience of human life in the world sure;
Poetry has led to singing of songs with music inspiring all in the world;
Such an inspiration only can help sure all to have hope and confidence;
For all occasions, that gives hope to hopeless and courage to weak!

For the language-less music, Poetry only gives language to sing songs;
Such songs only give inspiration both in war and peace, joy and sorrow;
Whether it is boat race or army march, birthday celebration or tributes
To martyrs and national anthem or condolence to dead, it accompanies!

Poetry is intricate part of life and human culture since a long time sure;
Poetry provokes force to the weak who has lost all interest in a mission
Whether it is succeeding to achieve ambition to fulfil a long cherished
Dream or hopeless people to fight against foreign invasion to freedom!

Sans Poetry, there is no chance to express the inexpressible matters of
Life, world, Nature and Spirit that are impossible to do so by any means!

Ramesh T A

Ramesh T A

Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
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